dark road

Evil’s Path

From where does evil come?

If love is of God—and God is life—

Where then is death’s birthplace?

Is it formed in the heart of man as he refuses that which is good;

a void—filled as dark matter seeps into the vacancies of the soul?

Can the will of man alone conjure such darkness;

his depravity a consequence of truth’s absence?

No—evil is not a condition, a consequence, or  hate-filled void of the soul.

It birthed itself out of beauty.

The unredeemable grasped at heaven’s throne, beyond the defense of ignorance.

He— this enemy, this peddler of hatred, this once beautiful creation of God—

refused to acknowledge the crown of the Almighty.

Now, cast out of glory’s brilliance and doomed to destruction, the evil one roars.

Enraged by failure, he feeds his insatiable vengeance, devouring the weak, drawing the tempted, and claiming those confident in their own pride.

But the redeemed—those marked with the Spirit’s surety—why must they suffer,

the innocent, the unborn, the orphan, and the martyr?

Is pain, this fraction of eternity, this vapor of time, a proving ground?

Is justice to be learned, understood, while the offer of redemption still remains?

What immortal soul, when seated at the marriage supper of the Lamb, would entertain pride?

The enemy’s road to destruction will forever testify to its price;

and none, for time eternal, will desire his path.

– Kari Rimbey

Romans 6:23

Revelation 12:9,12

Isaiah 35:4-10

Revelation 19:6-9

Ezekiel 28:12-19

photo: Shutterstock – bluefish_ds

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