The King Can’t Sleep
Hear ye, hear ye, the king can’t sleep. Awaken the village, there’s a new law to keep.
Until King Fussolla lays down his head, no one in Green Hollow shall rest in their bed. Nor shall they sit, recline or relax; If caught by his highness—a fine and a tax.
Call in the singers of lullaby songs, the crooners, the hummers, the split-tailed string strummers.
Tell the cow farmer to bring him some milk. Tell the thread sellers to weave him soft silk.
For now if you’re found asleep with your blanket, Fussolla will know and send someone to take it.
Let’s find us a way to get him to sleep; bring in the shepherds so the king can count sheep.
Go see if his soother sits by his throne. Make sure he’s not hungry, afraid or alone.
For no one, but no one shall dare catch a wink; by the king’s own decree, they’ll be sent to the clink.
Wait—here comes to the rescue his own royal mum; she’s found him his blanket; he’s found his own thumb.
Tell all in Green Hollow there’s no law to keep, since dear King Fussolla has fallen asleep.
Shhhh … don’t make a peep.

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