The Robe
I’m off to see my brothers in a time yet far beyond;
up ahead this land, as I approach, glows as golden as the sun.
But when I draw in closer to what I did adore,
the golden sheen reveals a veil, a shimmering facade;
a silken robe upon the pale put in the place of God.
“What is this farce?” I ask of them entombed in vanity.
With empty eyes they pass me by, not one would speak to me.
Then in the shadows a stranger there bid me come in closer.
“What you ask,” he said to me, “is never spoken of.
To prosper here and make our way we question not each other.”
“What is this tale, how can this be?” I press the stranger further.
“Can you not see the life of these is barely holding on?
Remove the veil saying all is well; attend now to this matter.”
Quiet now, he said to me with eyes but words not spoken;
“The people know their heart is sick, the veil only a token—
of splendor grand and freedoms song, of life beyond this sphere.
They care not if the truth is told, but how they do appear.”
“Why wear this gown of hollow hope
that clothes the people here?
They masquerade as beams of light
but wholly live in fear—
of darkness deep and wrongs revealed,
depravity discovered—
Wise made fools, they change the rules,
and freedom then is plundered.”
Weakness overcame me, faced with senseless loss.
“When did this change of heart take place? Did not a warning sound—
to stay this plague of hopelessness and turn this wrong around?”
“Question me no longer,” the stranger said to me.
“The answer to this matter lie not with me—but thee.
Take what you see to time before and tell them of this fate;
Man is not God, go tell them now before it is too late.”
So back I came with message clear to warn sister and brother.
“We are not God,” I said to them, “Please, go tell one another.
“Put off this robe lest it be sewn into eternal flesh;
endure the shame of faults made known
and wounds opened afresh.
“Breath in new life from glories vein,
free from the bars their hostage,
and cleanse away the inner stain
that keeps the conscience captive.
“Put on the robe of living light,
there is no beacon brighter.
Encase yourself in Christ above—
there is no burden lighter.”
Isaiah 61:10 – “I will greatly rejoice in the Lord,
my soul shall be joyful in my God;
for He hath clothed me with the garments of salvation,
He hath covered me with the robe of righteousness …”
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